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Natural Handmade Soap

At SoapTribe, we believe in exceptional quality, sustainability and zero wastage. Our soaps are crafted with the finest natural oils, setting them apart in the industry. Explore our site to discover our range of high-quality, eco-friendly, and unique natural soaps.


Free national delivery on orders over £20

Lisa, Hertfordshire

"After using the soap facial bar for just a few days, I was amazed at how incredible my skin looked and felt. I was even getting compliments from friends"

Annabelle, Lancashire

"I couldn't believe the difference it made in such a short amount of time. This soap is truly amazing and has become a staple in my skincare routine."

Elizabeth, London

"I have sensitive skin and I use the Body Bars everywhere, my skin has never looked better. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a game-changing facial cleanser."



Welcome to our little corner of the internet!


We are passionate about all things soap and are thrilled to bring our handmade, small batch natural creations to your doorstep.


Our team of enthusiasts is dedicated to creating products that will leave you feeling clean, refreshed and pampered. From luxurious bath bars to nourishing face and body bars, we have something for everyone.

So lather up, explore our site, and let us help you elevate your daily cleansing routine to a whole new level of bubbly bliss!


All our ingredients are natural and work with the skin and your natural chemistry to ensure you not feel clean, smell great but also smooth and moisturised. In fact our products are so good you can use them face, body, hair and sensitive areas. We minimise on packaging and only use recycled materials on each order so rest assured each order is sent to you sustainably.



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